Vintage Sniper

Match Schedule

CLICK HERE FOR: 2024 Team Vintage Sniper Matches Official Match Bulletin

CMP Sanctioned Team Vintage Sniper Matches and Concurrent Non-Sanctioned Team Vintage Sniper Matches Official Match Bulletin

Updated October 2024

NOTE: ENGC uses ShotMarker Targeting systems, you must provide your own Wi-Fi access device.

ENGC will conduct simultaneous CMP sanctioned and non-sanctioned Vintage Sniper Team matches. All matches will adhere to the intent, spirit, rules and course of fire outlined as per Competition Rules for CMP Games Rifle and Pistol Matches, section 6.0 and annex E2 (View online at: THECMP.org/competitions/cmp-competitions-rulebooks). Sanctioned matches will adhere to the published rules and procedures. Simultaneous non-sanctioned matches may be fired in the following ways:

  1. With vintage military rifles, and any optical scope, that is safe, independent of its listing under CMP rules (see “Equipment” below). If the scope is capable of greater than 8X, you will be required to turn down the zoom to 8X.
  2. With traditional type hunting rifles of sufficient caliber, and any optical scope, that is safe (see “Equipment” below). If the scope is capable of greater than 10X, you will be required to turn down the zoom to 10X.
  3. Those shooters with temporary or permanent medical issues preventing them from shooting the match in the standard prone position may use alternate positions/equipment. Any safe position and/or equipment the shooter finds necessary and provides at the 300-yard firing line will be considered.  The standard range-supplied benches and sandbags may be used at the 600-yard firing line. Their partner will shoot under sanctioned rules unless similarly in need. While CMP rules stipulate time limits for preparation period, ENGC matches will generally provide as much time as needed for participants with medical needs as described. All other sanction rules apply.

Beginning with the 2024 season, The CMP added an additional category for Vintage Sniper Team matches. Category A is still for sniper rifle systems 1953 and earlier. The new Category B is for those Vintage Sniper Teams who wish to use approved rifle/scope systems from 1954 through 1976 (Vietnam era). For the specifics of what rifles and scopes are approved, see The CMP Games rulebook. This can be viewed online at: THECMP.org/competitions/cmp-competitions-rulebooks. If one team member has a Category A rifle, and the other a Category B rifle, your team will compete in Category B. So, for those that have an M21, M40, or other American or foreign counterpart, now there’s a category for you. Bring it out and have some fun.

We also hold a couple “Red Dawn Sniper Team” matches per year. These matches will be held in conjunction with the regular Vintage Sniper matches on the scheduled days (see Vintage Sniper schedule). There are two categories of ‘Red Dawn’ – ‘Cold War Sniper Rifle’ and ‘Traditional Hunting Rifle’. The ‘Cold War Sniper’ category, like the regular Vintage Sniper, is intended for commonly issued sniper rifle systems, original or reproduction, during the Cold War period commonly known as the period from 1945 to 1989. The ‘Traditional Hunting Rifle’ category is self-explanatory and intended for off the rack type rifles and optics. ‘Red Dawn’ is not for match rifles. (All ENGC rules pertaining to caliber and safety will be followed.) If you have a variable power optic capable of greater than 10X, you will be required to turn it down to a maximum of 10X. If your optic is a fixed power greater than 10X, please inquire as we will try to accommodate as much as we can. These special matches will adhere to the intent and spirit of CMP Vintage Sniper and ENGC programs. Your Cold War / Traditional Hunting Rifles may also be welcome at regular Vintage Sniper matches in the non-sanctioned category (see “Equipment” below). If you have general questions or rifle/equipment questions, please inquire with the match director &/or assistants for answers or adjudication.

 DATES/TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: Dates for matches are available from the ENGC website and official match bulletin. Cost is $20 per shooter for one Category, and $10 for an additional second Category. Non-binding preregistration at least 24 hours prior to the match is highly encouraged to facilitate squadding. Preregistration can be done by sending or replying to email address brewman185@gmail.com. Individuals not on a team may team-up at the time of registration and match meeting, and assistance will be available.

 OVERVIEW: This is a team match. Two-person competitor teams will replicate the equipment and marksmanship skills of sniper teams operating in the world’s military forces 1953 and earlier (Category A) or 1954 through 1976 (Category B). Course of fire will be prone using sandbags or slings and fired from 300 and 600 yards, in a timed sequence. One team member will have the duties of the spotter while the other member the shooter. Then the team members will switch duties, and the course fired again. Electronic targets will be used to mark and score the courses of fire. All commands will be delivered to the shooters from the firing line. No pit duty will be required except for setting up and stowing targets for the match.

EQUIPMENT: CMP sanction rules are very specific as to rifle and scope combinations permitted in this competition (see CMP Rulebook). As an ENGC exception only, since many shooters have military rifles that meet the 1953 or earlier requirement but their scope does not, these shooters are welcome to compete but in the non-Sanctioned category. To allow shooters to ‘give it a try’, we will also allow “Red Dawn” rifles to compete in the non-Sanctioned category for a few matches. (After that, you will be encouraged to migrate your equipment/rifle to CMP legal.) Any optics capable of greater than 10X magnification will be required to turn down magnification to 10X or less. Hearing and eye protection are required. ENGC uses electronic ShotMarker Targeting systems. To use electronic targets, each team must have a screened device capable of connecting to Wi-Fi (smart phone, tablet, Kindle, laptop, iPad, etc.). Loaner devices may be available. Ensure that your rifle has a 300 yard zero prior to arrival. And known adjustments for 600 yards will be very helpful. Please contact Bruce Gregory at 402- 203-6401 (brewman185@gmail.com) with questions and clarification.

SHOOTING  CATEGORIES/AWARDS: Teams will be classified and compete within their classification (Category A manual or semi-automatic, Category B) as per CMP rules. There will be an additional classification for teams using non-sanctioned rifle systems. CMP achievement awards/medals will be presented to sanctioned competitors as outlined in the CMP Rulebook. Sanctioned AND Non-Sanctioned classifications are eligible to earn special Eastern Nebraska Gun Club Vintage awards.

NEW SHOOTERS/OTHERS: Familiarity with the safety, shooting, scoring and line procedures for high-power rifle competition is a requirement. If a new shooter team is unfamiliar with these skills, they will be paired with a veteran shooter and “shown the ropes”. With prior coordination it may be possible to assist with obtaining zeroes and electronic scoring procedures before a match. Also, with prior coordination, there may be loaner rifles and ammunition available. Prior coordination and questions are encouraged and warmly invited by Bruce, et al.